Friday, January 14, 2011

I broke down and did it....

So I've heard a lot about clipping sites and until today had never used one. But I feel myself sliding deeper and deeper into the savings pool (not that this is a bad thing). And today I finally did it....

I bought from a clipping site.

I've been rummaging through 3 weeks of Rite Aid ads and am seeing some things I just can't pass up on. Like the Clear Care that my husband uses like water and costs on sale $8 a pop. Rite Aid is having a sale with $2 ups coming up AND there is a $3 coupon available. $3 for something we regularly use - I folded and bought 6 coupons for this product (that and a few other coupons like the $1 off any quaker oats which should make for free oatmeal).

Have you used a clipping service? I'm thinking if I like it this could work for me as

A. I hate cutting out coupons (strange I know but I really do and I only ever cut them out as I need them)
B. I can get lots of multiples of the ones I will use instead of lots of ones I never use

Whats your thoughts?


  1. i use couponsuzy, but i rarely find coupons for food products that we actually eat.

  2. I didn't even know there were clipping services. How do you find them?

  3. search for them online....i just googled coupon clipping service (or something to that effect). we will see how good this one is that i used but they had lots of coupons in stock which was great
